Tuesday 10 October 2017

New FabIndia Lip butter- Dew Kiwi

If you read my blogs regularly then I had a blog post about FabIndia Lip Butter plum passion which I had used for an entire year approx and I was at the end of finishing it. As I mentioned that I will be repurchasing it again, so here it is again FabIndia Lip Butter but in new variant as I wanted to try out something different, so I purchased Dew Kiwi variant. Good news is that the packaging has changed which is more attractive and vibrant.


It comes in cardboard and plastic sheet of packaging. So, we have to remove our Lip butter tub or jar from the outer package. All information is provided on this outer packaging like manufacturing date, expiry date, price and ingredients. After we remove the outer package we get a tub or jar of Lip Butter. The cap is in golden color on which the name FabIndia is mentioned in golden color and Lip Butter Dew Kiwi is mentioned in black color. It has a separator in white inside after which we get our product, so we have to remove the separator and take the product. The Lip Butter comes in transparent jar which is really very sturdy.

Color, consistency and texture

It is green in color, but it doesn’t leave green cast on lips which is really good and consistency of this Lip Butter is thick. Texture of this Lip Butter is really soft and moisturizing.

This is how it looks when applied.

This is how it looks when its blended.


Rs. 150 for 5 gms


1.       It has eye catching packaging better than earlier packaging
2.       It moisturizes lips making them softer and smoother
3.       It is green in color but after we apply it on our lips, it doesn’t leave any green cast
4.       It is affordable and pocket friendly
5.       Fragrance is really mesmerizing
6.       It is travel friendly as it is really a very tiny jar, smaller than the earlier one.
7.       As it is an FabIndia Product it is against animal testing


1.       Main problem is that we have to put our hands in the jar and apply it on our lips (Similar to earlier packaging but still covering this point)
2.       The earlier tub or jar was 10 grams which lasted me for 1 year approx but now FabIndia has reduced the quantity to 5 grams (It will last me for less than 6 months I guess) which is really bad and sad, didn’t expect this much reduction of product, I mean it is half the quantity from earlier one

      Would I recommend this product to others and will I repurchase it again?
      Yes, I definitely recommend it to others as it is a very good product and budget friendly. Yes, I will repurchase it again or may be try another variant (I love trying different variants). Only one variant is left from FabIndia that is Vanilla one which I might try next time.

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