Monday 6 November 2017

DIY face mask: Reduces tan, dark spots, acne and pimples

Hello pretty girls hope you are fine. This is a DIY which I have been using since my college days. So, just thought of sharing my experience about this DIY. This DIY helps in reducing tan, dark spots, acne and pimples with less cost. Best part is that you don’t have to buy any expensive products and they are products which can easily be found in your kitchen.


Wild Turmeric/Ambe Hald/ Kasturi Manjal: Just a pinch
Gram flour or Chickpea flour or in Hindi it is known as besan: 1 spoon 
Fresh lemon Juice: 4-5 drops
Honey: 2-3 drops
Fresh and unflavored curd or yoghurt: 1 spoon
Water: 4-5 drops just for consistency


Add Gram flour or besan with turmeric in a bowl or any container. Then add fresh lemon juice, honey and curd or yoghurt into it. Mix everything and if required then add water for making the paste like consistency. Apply it to your face with your hands or any facial brush.

Important thing: Don’t add too much turmeric otherwise it will stain your face. If by mistake you have done that then don’t worry, after washing your face remove those stains with makeup removing wipes or wet wipes. 

Use it once or twice a week for 2- 3 months. Do try it my angels and remember it is a long run process it won’t reduce anything once. You have to use this for 2-3 months continuously and then you will get results. But it will help your skin become smooth and soft from first use itself. And for some people the results show up in 2-3 uses also. So, use it and let me know in comments if you got the results or not. If you wanna ask any question you can chat with me in comments.

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