Tuesday 6 March 2018

Tangle teezer

Hello Girls, today I am gonna share my experience with tangle teezer. My hairs are wavy, so they tend to get more knots or tangles and I have lots of problems dealing with these tangles. I had gone out to beauty palace for shopping once and tangle teezer caught my eyes. This was my very random pick as I didn’t even know what is this product all about and what does it do? Yes, my dear girls I didn’t know what is tangle teezer... hehehe… lol…  Then I started using it and voila I don’t have problem dealing with my tangles at all now and there is considerably very less hair fall. Since then it’s my holy grail product. It comes in variety of colors but it’s expensive everywhere so if you stay in Mumbai, you can go to beauty palace and have a look at it. There black, pink and green-pink mix colors are there, so that you can pick up color you like and it’s comparatively inexpensive.


It comes in this kind of plastic transparent kind of box.

Product itself:

This is how my tangle teezer looks. It’s pink in color. It’s sturdy and easy to carry.

You can have a look at its bristles. Some are short and some are long. This is the important part because of which tangles are opened up easily with tangle teezer. The main purpose of short and long bristles is dealing with our tangles easily.

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Rs. 350 or 500 from beauty palace

Would I recommend this product to others and will I repurchase it?

Yes, for both the above questions. I definitely would recommend it to others and if I lose the product I will purchase it again surely.



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